The Wizard

The subject of a Wizard character in Blade has often been mentioned by fans.
Only fairly recently the dream of making new characters and using them in the game has become possible, thanks to some excellent work by TPTPT.
For my own part, I have been working on a demo map to test him out, in this is now available for download.
Download Wizard Demo Map.

As with all custom maps/mods, you must have the BODLoader installed. Also, this demo needs the Allies mod.

Simply unzip to BODLoader/Mods folder and install from the setup option. It is a big mod (17+Mb), but there is a lot in it.
I named him 'Masklin' in honour of the man who has done more for the Blade community than anyone. It's true to say that but
for his great modding work, there wouldn't have been any add-on mods for this excellent game.

As well as the Wizard character there are other new NPC chars included in the demo. I resisted the temptation to
put in lots of new stuff as the map was rapidly getting enormous. There are two animal chars, the Cat and Badger which
are familiars of the Wizard and will defend him and his house. I have put in three new enemies, a zombie and two skeletons
(all by TP) which are basically the same as the RAS versions with a few variations.

I hope in the future to make more stuff for Wizard use, and presently am working on versions of the four
start maps with all new enemies.
Update March 2007
I have now updated the Wizard map to V1.1

In addition to fixing a few bugs with the running animations, I have done more work on his female assissitant, "Dorcas" and put her back in the map as NPC.
(Also made her an evil sister.)
Update September 2007
Version V1.2

I have updated the mod to improve the installation method for initiating new 3D models.
(Thanks to Vasja for figuring it out).
Also I have redone some of the skins and fixed a few texture bugs. There are now 26 skins to choose from.
Nothing much else is new, but I have tweaked some of the Ally behavior and added a bonus extra power
to the Magic weapons. You must find the Sacred Well and dip the weapons in the water.